Klaus Bunde: Look into the sunset on the Rhine
The Library of Congress: Tap dancing class in the gymnasium at Iowa State College. Ames, Iowa (LOC)
michele.palombi: Cabina B
MarkusB1975: Is there anybody out there ?
Jonathan Lenzmeier: The reds and greens of Classic Cuban Neg.
Timothy Valentine: in a bit of a daze
Chase Hoffman: Penny, 2020
Chase Hoffman: Penny's last day
Chase Hoffman: Jenna in front of waves
Johntasaurus: Millook, Cornwall
Hocus-Phocus: Inverted Medusa Heads in the Basilica Cistern
d.sci: Edge of field
jahertor90: The hill
Patrice Dx: piaf de bois
Tobias Dander: Den Haag Centraal
jonlimage: Seattle
snapsbybergsu: Winter day
column1: Coffee shop, Portugal
michalbartunek: DSCF0380
Giulio Buonomini: Località Acqua morta, Napoli
Paolo P L: il gregge di case