~TestShots: Fallen Shoe Tree
patcaribou: shoetree
chrisglass: wieners are hilarious
.sara: phillyship
.sara: phillyremnants
.sara: big sis
.sara: building
.sara: phillyalley
.sara: phillyhome
.sara: lounge car bw
.sara: relic
stereo the snowman: the disappearance of emily waters
Yannis Gutmann: Butterfly
stereo the snowman: shavawn at breakfast
Jeffrey Eric: black_rock_city_119.jpg
Jeffrey Eric: black_rock_city_134.jpg
Jeffrey Eric: black_rock_city_157.jpg
stereo the snowman: taking a photo
.sara: leaningtower
.sara: weddingmonkeys
.sara: hat
.sara: naked bob
.sara: monkey & frog
.sara: mandyapplication
stereo the snowman: camp of unfinished business
.sara: beachghost