Marmad31: Dîner au clair de lune !
Amazing Sky Photography: Orion Over the Snowy Hoodoos
Warren_F: Airplane beneath aurora 2015 Sept. 13 ~ The Galactic Centre in Sagittarius & Scorpius
watcherofthenightskies: 20150712_SRfm
Dalantech: Pollen Magnet
andyi: Say No More, Nudge-Nudge
scopedr2001: 2015-06-20
scopedr2001: 2015-06-07
scopedr2001: 2015-04-19
Luca Vanzella: 2015 04 08 ISS Skims Leo
scopedr2001: 2015-03-07 final
Luca Vanzella: 2014 12 07 Moonrise - Valleyview Drive
Luca Vanzella: 2014 10 09 Waning Hunter's Moon Rising
Luca Vanzella: 2014 10 08 Full Hunter's Moonrise
Luca Vanzella: 2014 08 31 Moon-Mars-Saturn Conjunction - Elk Island Park
Warren_F: Lake Louise by night
Luca Vanzella: 2014 06 24 Venus and Crescent Moon Conjunction Rising
campbell4565: Canada Geese in salt water
Luca Vanzella: 2014 06 18 NLC
Warren_F: Sentinel hoodoo beneath the Milky Way
lightclad: M101 and its SuperNova still shining!
Luca Vanzella: 2014 02 13 Near Full Snow Moon above the snow capped river.
leolam2011: 2014-01-04 Quadrantids above the Great Wall
6line8: π
Ulstad Photography: She Said Yes
tristanotierney: Sunset Tracks
Roger-Pierre: Harvesting
Cooperative for Education: DSC_0119 - Version 2
juliechavez87: Sunflower