Shaul and Renee: Weizmann Institute inviting Shaul to an IEEE medal award ceremony
Shaul and Renee: Shaul's nylon production device
Shaul and Renee: Shaul's plastic tubes manufacturing device
Shaul and Renee: The king of Nepal visiting Shaul's lab
Shaul and Renee: Shaul displaying some of his medical device inventions
Shaul and Renee: Renee and Bilha at Roee's wedding
Shaul and Renee: Shaul and Renne with Roee and Ivi
Shaul and Renee: Shaul under the Chuppa
Shaul and Renee: Shaul and Roee
Shaul and Renee: Shaul and Yitzhak at Roee's wedding
Shaul and Renee: Miki Lipták, Shaul and Yitzhak Gassner (Rehovot, December 2006)
Shaul and Renee: Miki Lipták and Shaul (Rehovot, December 2006)
Shaul and Renee: Miki Lipták and Renee (Rehovot, December 2006)
Shaul and Renee: Miki Lipták, Shaul and Yitzhak Gassner (Rehovot, December 2006)
Shaul and Renee: Shaul and Renee in their garden (Rehovot, Israel 1967)