lawa: 2018012_19
yataro1: 20180430
summer anne: number of times per day that I think about how cute my mom and her new pal Douglas are together: approximately 842.
Camilla Engman: explorers
lawa: 2017011_8
summer anne: Good morning.
Hijo de la Tierra.: My golden coin.
sannah kvist: _MG_8060
sannah kvist: 20141007_081
sannah kvist: _MG_0694
nnnnikt: 12.2016
lawa: 2016026_25
tiny happy: autumn dress
tiny happy: new/old curtains
sarah is me.: It took me five weeks to get a shot of this belly. Frankie Bones is always on the go.
Rosa Pomar: sardinha
malota: for fun!
sturgill: Ask for me. #estatesalefun
Rosa Pomar: lã portuguesa