sharonerde: Shabbat Shalom from #TelAviv πŸ’™
sharonerde: If it Waks like a... πŸ₯
sharonerde: I πŸ’™ Les Boulevards
sharonerde: The 5 o'clock look out the window: January 7th #sunset just redefined wicked. Whoa!
sharonerde: A room with a view. And a super sized smile across my face πŸ˜„ #rainbow
sharonerde: A man, his mic and our asses on the floor πŸ˜‚ #Seinfeld
sharonerde: Leafy Road Tattoo #winter #London #latergram
sharonerde: Beautiful and windy #RegentPark last week. #London #latergram
sharonerde: In Your Face! #queensguard #buckinghampalace #London #thisislondon #NoFilter #NoZoom #latergram
sharonerde: St. Paul is ready for Christmas.
sharonerde: Happy Chrismukkah! #BeTheLight
sharonerde: Perfecting Sunday
sharonerde: Shabbat Shalom, #London. Missed you so.
sharonerde: Another one of Gopher from last week, cause I heart the moment I first put a camera to his face and his face went all "what are you doing??????" πŸ˜†
sharonerde: A beautiful mess.
sharonerde: About last night...
sharonerde: Olive Branch, la Luna. No dove.
sharonerde: Brick Lane
sharonerde: Eye Contact
sharonerde: The intoxicating smell that comes with #FirstRain πŸ’™
sharonerde: Fragrant autumnal blossom from my lil' urban garden and raindrops on approach. Happy Post-Holidays 😊 πŸƒπŸŒΎπŸ’¦
sharonerde: Χ¦Χ‘Χ’ אדום
sharonerde: Caught.
sharonerde: @ashevat in my fave quote: "what?? you driving a Smart? I've never been in one before!".
sharonerde: Joyeux Anniversaire @raphaelouzan! #Raphaheroes
sharonerde: Way too long since I saw these two πŸ’™
sharonerde: Walking in your footsteps
sharonerde: When visiting Duda HQ, pay homage to @amitos, the Queen of Elevator Selfies πŸ˜‰
sharonerde: Walking around with tinted fingertips... #downedthewholething #guiltypleasure #addictedtoberries
sharonerde: Square format doesn't do this majestic beauty justice.... #sunrise #temple #midburn #midburnil #b#playaart