polelen1: Action figures Villa
Encres Folles: WIP Black handpainted haori
Just Trigan: You can’t hide in the moonlight
pam.studio: C02_0371jp4961-Madison,
1to6-Fan: Julianna in white 1
AzureFantoccini: october leaves II
rangvar: Tirewoman of her highness - Ivett
peregrina_tyss: Rosa veronese 1
✄Frappzilla: Watercolour Celeste <3
dolls of milena: black tree
Natsumi °•¤: breathing in snowflakes
Tsu' Rose: Summer Time ☀
SophyMolly: commission wig
Encres Folles: Old work - 2010
nekomuchuu63: Outfits of the week/ Pastel Mori girl.
harucasting: Ready to go home!
janetdoody: Soma the elf princess
harucasting: Harucasting’s WIP on April 18.
Vamptastic: Sadistic
AeroHail: Foxy's Foxes
Encres Folles: Kitsune
tarengil: 🐾
em`lia: Oleum Cat Pile