shanti929: [Diana F+] 夢
shanti929: < LCA+ > 2013 in PengHu
shanti929: <LCA+> 關於未來
shanti929: <Holga> under the sun
shanti929: <LCA+> So sad
shanti929: < Fuji Natura Classica > 每個小小的背後,都有一個大大的....
shanti929: < Belair > 馬祖芙蓉澳
shanti929: < LOMO LCA+ > 時間
shanti929: < LC-Wide > Up and Down
shanti929: < Diana F+>eyes on you
shanti929: <LCA+> Bright in your heart
shanti929: <LCA+>Mother
shanti929: <LC-A+> Bride
shanti929: <LC-A+> Mess
shanti929: < LC-Wide > space
shanti929: < LC-Wide> 太陽會西落,事情會過去
shanti929: <LC-Wide>the view in your eye
shanti929: <LC-Wide> 7 Floor
shanti929: <LC-W> IF
shanti929: <Holga> In the Moment
shanti929: < 海鷗 > Smoking
shanti929: only you
shanti929: < Diana F+ > The Army Bar
shanti929: < Diana F+ > Extreme
shanti929: < Diana F+ > Less is more
shanti929: < Sprocket Rocket > Green world
shanti929: < Sprocket Rocket > Spring is coming
shanti929: < Diana Dreamer > White Love
shanti929: < LCA+ > City world
shanti929: < LCA+ > your way