David A Jahn:
Rough Green Snake (Opheodrys aestivus)
Kristian Bell:
Mossy stream
Matthieu Berroneau:
Asp viper, Vipera aspis zinnikeri
David A Jahn:
California Mountain Kingsnake (Lampropeltis zonata)
Matthieu Berroneau:
Bothrops bilineatus
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions:
the copperhead..
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions:
Barkly Death Adder juvenile portrait
Kristian Bell:
Sand goanna (Varanus gouldii)
Yellow spotted monitos (Varanus panoptes)
Sky and Yak:
Natterjack Toads (Epidalea calamita)
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions:
Bach Ma Vietnam
David A Jahn:
Tiger Rattlesnake (Crotalus tigris)
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions:
Moritz's Leaf-tailed Gecko with the Venus Laowa 15mm
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions:
The Vogel's Pit Viper
Matthieu Berroneau:
Bothrops asper
Nicola Destefano - Wildlife Photography:
Asp viper
Matthieu Berroneau:
Abronia graminea
Matthieu Berroneau:
Metlapilcoatlus nummifer
Weinand Wildlife:
Europäischer Laubfrosch (Hyla arborea)
Weinand Wildlife:
Gestreifter Feuersalamander (Salamandra salamandra terrestris)
Weinand Wildlife:
Kreuzkröte (Epidalea calamita)
Weinand Wildlife:
Bergmolch ♀ (Ichthyosaura alpestris alpestris)
Weinand Wildlife:
Erdkröten (Bufo bufo) in Amplexus
Weinand Wildlife:
Streifen-Ringelnatter ♀ (Natrix natrix cf. persa)