zeits fek: knock...knock....✨✨✨
zeits fek: 💦💦💦💦longtime notsee.👿👽👿
zeits fek: summer time.
zeits fek: holiday chill. #Chinese #funky #holiday
zeits fek: boogie in da rain 💦💦💦
zeits fek: krome night. #China #graffiti #krome #heavy
zeits fek: 💪👻👉 #Chinese #funky #soul
zeits fek: 北京时间 #timetraveler #truck #5016
zeits fek: #Chinese #福 #makeitrain
zeits fek: #Chinese #fu #makeitraim
zeits fek: mountain top spot. #chinese #graffiti #mountaintop #funky
zeits fek: #hubei #china #graffiti
zeits fek: some random box. #truck #box #holiday
zeits fek: go with some funky flow. #chinese #funky
zeits fek: 村庄不远 对着枣树 扶着太阳升起 等花开满心房 留在这里 four days Chinese writing in a small village inside China. which i wrote a poem to represent the life style here. there is nothing.but f**king chill here. #chinese #writing #poem #countrylife #graffiti #chinesecalligraphy #v
zeits fek: 天下武功,唯大不破。 #chinese #graffiti #gobigger
zeits fek: 朋友!一起飞吧
zeits fek: 走起来
zeits fek: 時間
zeits fek: pretty happy with this freestyle. lets do the lion dance. #zeit #liondance #avro with @curtisebear. 👊👊👊
zeits fek: quick one with @dr_morg @curtisebear 🚀🚀🚀
zeits fek: the diamond thief.
zeits fek: who need a girl when they can make something bigger in the Valentine's day. 😂😂😂 #valentine #whoneedagirl #when #theycan #graffiti
zeits fek: the game of Z.
zeits fek: 時 2.0
zeits fek: inspire by Chinese traditional lion dance. good day with @villegion.
zeits fek: 绝地時間
zeits fek: #時間
zeits fek: 中国城写中文,中国人的精气神。 #melbournechinatown #chinese #writing #精气神 #時間
zeits fek: 時間 time