Shai Coggins: Day 51/365 (2013): "Style" page from the Art Journal (Final). Started at 9ish this morning. Ended around 9ish tonight. Happy with the result. :)
Shai Coggins: Style - Art Journal Stages 3,4 & 5
Shai Coggins: Style - Art Journal Stage 2
Shai Coggins: Art journal with journaling prompts.
Shai Coggins: "Style": Art Journal - Stage 1
Shai Coggins: Day 47/365 (2013): Mark Making & Hand Lettering
Shai Coggins: Day 52/365 (2013): Paint It White
Shai Coggins: Giggles galore when I taught the kids how to do blind contour drawing + non-dominant hand drawing portraits last night. Yes, that's a family portrait. :)
Shai Coggins: Today's art lesson: Negative Shapes + Tones + Circles.
Shai Coggins: Day 35/365 (2013): Getting back to art.
Shai Coggins: Day 31/365 (2013): Going back to basics with my art...
Shai Coggins: Altered new sketchbooks.
Shai Coggins: Day 40/365 (2013): Afternoon Tea & Sketching in the Garden.
Shai Coggins: Day 48/365: Hand Lettering on a 'Surprise Project'
Shai Coggins: Day 38/365 (2013): Mini Book of Random Memories
Shai Coggins: 38/365 Hand Lettering: Random Memories
Shai Coggins: Valentine greetings...
Shai Coggins: Day 53/365 (2013): Colour Study {Watersoluble Crayons}
Shai Coggins: 57/365 Hand Lettering: GROW
Shai Coggins: Art Journal Pages: Where are you going?
Shai Coggins: Sketching my breakfast - inspired by an exercise from "Drawing from Within" (draw an apple). Disclaimer: Wouldn't normally have an apple for breakfast. This is just something I did for art's sake. ;-)
Shai Coggins: Day 72/365: Sneak Peek into New Art Project
Shai Coggins: Day 74/365 (2013): Handcrafted Artist Journals
Shai Coggins: Day 78/365 (2013): One Word Collages: A sneak peek into one of my art series.
Shai Coggins: Day 80/365 (2013): Experimenting with mono printing using a homemade gel plate.
Shai Coggins: Day 83/365 (2013): Hand-sculpted and hand-painted birdie for my collection.
Shai Coggins: Cut-and-Paste Inspiration.
Shai Coggins: Day 86/365 (2013): Fun fabric and felt banners!
Shai Coggins: Day 91/365 (2013): April "Refresh" ...
Shai Coggins: Day 92/365 (2013): Drying a fresh batch of gelli prints...