Shai Coggins: I know I've mentioned before that whenever I get a new set of watercolours (or acrylics, pens, crayons, pastels, etc), I like doing a colour swatch for the set. I like doing it because it helps to break-in my new tools and familiarise myself with my new m
Shai Coggins: Practising painting expressive watercolour florals for an upcoming private workshop next week. It's going to be my last art workshop for 2017 and I'm excited.
Shai Coggins: Mixed Media Watercolour Florals for Day 254/365 of my #DailyArt practice. Really enjoy doing these pieces. And so happy for every chance I get to keep making art. Oh, and I just realised that #inktober is nearly here. I'm looking forward to participatin
Shai Coggins: It was such a pleasure to be a part of these lovely, talented ladies' art journeys last Saturday (9 Sept) during the Expressive Travel Sketching Workshop at Art Stretchers Adelaide. I really enjoyed sharing my love of sketching with this group. And, they
Shai Coggins: If we don't own our dreams, how can we make them happen? #NotesToSelf #somethingtothinkabout
Shai Coggins: Just ONE WEEK to go, #Adelaide! I'm holding my last Expressive Travel Sketching Workshop in 2017 next week, 9 September, Saturday (12-3pm) at Art Stretchers Adelaide. If you haven't booked yet, please do so over at my website, (link in pro
Shai Coggins: I can't believe it has been almost a week since I last posted here on IG. My days seem to just blend into each other as things are so hectic lately. And, it doesn't help that I keep telling myself that I need to come up with "the right post" to share. Aft
Shai Coggins: Getting ready for tonight's Expressive Drawing Workshop, brought to you by Tea Tree Gully Council. I was told that the workshop was fully booked since last week! I'm thrilled to be able to share my love for this artform.
Shai Coggins: Cells and swirls: Not easy to achieve in flow art but oh-so-beautiful when they show up! 😍 Day 227/365 of #DailyArt (Yr 2).
Shai Coggins: Happy, happy Monday! Our days have been extra tough and busy lately, so I am rejoicing at getting the chance to have some studio time first thing in the morning this week. And, I'm sooooo pleased with today's results from my latest pour. I have been exp
Shai Coggins: Hey, #Adelaide - Thanks to the City of Tea Tree Gully Council, there's another chance to take my Expressive Drawing in Pen & Ink Workshop! And, yes it would be at a highly subsidised rate. So, I hope you secure your spot as spaces will be limited. The w
Shai Coggins: #FlashbackFriday - I'm trying* to clean my home office/studio and I came across this. Apparently, there was a time I wanted to inject a bit of cheekiness in my art-making. 😆 *Not quite making it work. My home office/studio has erupted into one
Shai Coggins: Cells are still proving to be elusive for me when it comes to fluid art. But, I am learning a lot in the process. This is my favourite pour so far, but since this photo is based on 'live' (wet) paint, I'll have to see what it looks like when it dries. D
Shai Coggins: I'm so excited to share with you that Art Stretchers Adelaide have invited me to teach Expressive Travel Sketching Workshop again. This second round will be held on the 9th of September, Saturday, 12-3pm. When we first offered this workshop in March, it
Shai Coggins: Another Posca pens play. This time, with my trusty ol' pen and ink. Still feeling a bit busy, but maybe I'm just getting used to a different look? This one was from Day 210/365 of my #DailyArt (Yr 2).
Shai Coggins: Soooooo glad it's Friday! It has been another crazy week. But, thankful for the blessings of work, good health, and family. Really enjoyed a movie night shared with the kids (<3 Wonder Woman!)... And, so happy with this new set of Posca Pens. I've been
Shai Coggins: Details of pouring art piece in progress. I've been trying to learn as much as I can about fluid art. Specifically, how to create 'cells' and come up with a pieces that make sense. So far, I've encountered various techniques recommended by different artis
Shai Coggins: I've done 7 mini art paintings in this series so far. When I somehow misplaced the first one, I started putting them up on a memo board. Thought it would be nice to take a pic of the set before I put them away.
Shai Coggins: Backtracking here a little bit. Here's part of my mini art series. From Day 199/365 #DailyArt (Yr2). I think this is one of my favourites.
Shai Coggins: Ready or not - welcome back, Monday! To cheer up the social feed, I'm posting this lovely floral arrangement from @royalcopenhagenbrighton a few days ago when hubby and I stopped by with M and her friends. As I was looking back on my social media fee
Shai Coggins: Playgrounds are soooo hard to sketch! The humans are never still. There's a lot of moving equipment. And, well, I'm usually watching little humans at the same time whenever I go to playgrounds. So, that's a challenge too. Thankfully, my little humans are
Shai Coggins: Took a break from the mini art and did some sketching today while I was out and about with my girl M and her friends (+J). This sketch is from our ice cream and drinks stop. Day 201/365 of #DailyArt (Yr 2).
Shai Coggins: Sometimes, I feel like I am not growing much; not achieving as much as I'd like. But, I try hard not to dwell on such kind of thinking. I know that if I let myself wallow too much, I'd find it hard to keep moving. So, I acknowledge those feelings and work
Shai Coggins: Day 198/365 of #DailyArt (Yr 2). Mini art series.
Shai Coggins: What I like about working in a series is that I don't overthink things. Overthinking is a huge enemy of creativity. In a series, I have a process, a system that I end up following. And, if I get bored or just want to explore a bit, I apply the "just chang
Shai Coggins: It's only Monday and my brain already feels like mush for different reasons. At least there's #GameofThrones S7 E1 to enjoy. Day 195/365 #DailyArt (Yr 2). Another mini.
Shai Coggins: Another day, another mini art. Definitely makes it easier to keep to my #dailyart sharing commitment. Here's one from Day 194/365. Have a fab weekend, everyone! 😊
Shai Coggins: Ahhh! I really need to figure out how to share my #DailyArt more regularly. I must admit that I don't feel too inspired with my personal artmaking lately. Sooo many things taking up my headspace and time. But, I am determined to keep going. Here's a mini
Shai Coggins: Well, hello there my long-neglected sketchbook. So pleased to get some time to sketch just after a family lunch at one of our favourite places in Adelaide. I missed this. I really ought to sketch more again. Hope you're having a lovely weekend. x
Shai Coggins: This was a pour from Day 181/365 of my #DailyArt. Haven't had the chance to post until now. The piece is already dry and ready for the next pour. Learning now that it takes more than one pour to complete a piece. And that canvas isn't the best substrate f