Shai Coggins: @Ntenorg 's @ntenhross is now giving her keynote on Leading Change at #CU11 .
Shai Coggins: Connecting Up's Chairman of the Board Bruce Linn opens #CU11 .
Shai Coggins: Internet cafe at #CU11 during the break.
Shai Coggins: It's @cdeeme speaking about @msfcitizenship from @Microsoft #CU11 :)
Shai Coggins: Here's @heathr Unpresenting in action at #CU11 , sharing how nonprofits can make the world suck less. :-)
Shai Coggins: Group brainstorming on nonprofit tech strategy mapping during CU11 workshop with Holly Ross
Shai Coggins: So, we begin Tech Leadership workshop at #CU11 with Post-It Notes!
Shai Coggins: #CU11 is now featuring Darren Rowse aka @probloggger talking about Blogging for Good.