Shai6oon69: Sail AwaY
Shai6oon69: No MoRe WeSt... ThE EnD oF thE WorLd....
Shai6oon69: OpEn uR Mind... See ThE BeauTii ARounDd
Shai6oon69: a PeaK thrOugh The Wallz....
Shai6oon69: Castelo..... capTure the WorLd
Shai6oon69: OutSiDe the BoX.. there iS so MucH to SeE.....
Shai6oon69: BaiT ReeeMoooNaa
Shai6oon69: et9lbii tslaam 3yoonk,, may6eeeg el glb hjraank ;P
Shai6oon69: LAndFill,,,,,,,jump in with me ;P bs naked lol
Shai6oon69: kln leh naseh,, o ana mayt mn el brd ro07i ;P bs chateekm wain btn5shoon lol
Shai6oon69: Fo0tBaLL runS in mY Blood...
Shai6oon69: blo0DCellZ,,,,,, so pacKEd with SadNess,, n Dark stuff :P
Shai6oon69: mtmrs fl 3zf fnaaan maa yhaaaab el 3waaa9f wlthlo0J ;P
Shai6oon69: Princess FUbuuu was in the casTLeee b3d.. sho tsweeeeen FUbuuuuuuu??
Shai6oon69: snEaKin in the castLe,, a tiny guy walkin in the shadowss...
Shai6oon69: ShandaLeeerHm '3awiiiii mb sharaaaT lamBaaaTnaa fl BayT
Shai6oon69: whre Do I ring The Bell,,, aiiiih leT me in,, or eLsE lol
Shai6oon69: Nymphenburg........the HoMe of ThE LaSt Bavarian KinG..
Shai6oon69: UnBreaK mY HeaRt....... bE My ValenTine
Shai6oon69: MAriaaaM BLaaaaaL brdaaanh lol
Shai6oon69: High up on the CaStLe she is,, far AwaY from me
Shai6oon69: EnDoOoK EnTaaaaaaa
Shai6oon69: SomEWhErE 2 Be... a LonG waY to Go.
Shai6oon69: The JoY of SNoW, iCe, n spinniNg ArouNd
Shai6oon69: 6.....9
Shai6oon69: AmbEEEeeeeeeH.......TheyR NaKed 0_0
Shai6oon69: Letz ReDiFine tHe ImPoSsiBLe.....
Shai6oon69: CHeesBurGer.... I want the MEaL :P
Shai6oon69: LeT it SnoW Let iT sNow let it snoWW
Shai6oon69: Its me there,, can U see Me?? come bit closer,,, I caNt seE mySelF.....