Shafique's view: OPORAJEYO BANGLA in search of DEMOCRACY
Shafique's view: BONE COLLECTOR
Shafique's view: Photo-0057
Shafique's view: Photo-0056
Shafique's view: Photo-0051
Shafique's view: Photo-0002
Shafique's view: The chain
Shafique's view: Living together(1997)
Shafique's view: Aim in life
Shafique's view: Blessing of GOD
Shafique's view: Choice of options
Shafique's view: Confusing way to GOAL
Shafique's view: Crossing over
Shafique's view: Don't break my heart
Shafique's view: Face to face
Shafique's view: Friendship never dies
Shafique's view: I saw it in the mirror
Shafique's view: In another world
Shafique's view: Just for you
Shafique's view: Life is good,love is better
Shafique's view: Mr.Lonely
Shafique's view: Nature in grip
Shafique's view: No shortcut
Shafique's view: Nothing impossible
Shafique's view: On my way
Shafique's view: Once upon a time
Shafique's view: Passage through breaking heart
Shafique's view: pleasure of journey
Shafique's view: Post card from heaven