shadowstorm: Power napping during build at 3am
shadowstorm: My Everyday Carry (EDC)
shadowstorm: I have the baddest pool thermometer ever, sharky!
shadowstorm: Ricotta cheesecake ftw
shadowstorm: Deal made the mistake of giving Scott a piggyback ride
shadowstorm: And then Jason Deal appeared. And was thus assaulted with binder clips.
shadowstorm: And then Keith and I attacked Scott with binder clips. For vengeance.
shadowstorm: Keith was engrossed in conversation so I went to town with binder clips. Took him a while to notice.
shadowstorm: Keith Hung my Firefox 3/3
shadowstorm: Keith Hung my Firefox 2/3
shadowstorm: Keith Hung my Firefox 1/3
shadowstorm: Kogi in NoHo! Got them to come to our building. #kogibbq
shadowstorm: Apparently we now work for some kind of internet restaurant place.
shadowstorm: I think the weather for NoHo may be incorrect. Either that or the end is extremely nigh.
shadowstorm: Driving Behind "The Ass Family"
shadowstorm: Snow visible from L.A.
shadowstorm: Crazy Rain/Hail in NoHo - 01.20.10
shadowstorm: Crazy Rain/Hail in NoHo - 01.20.10
shadowstorm: Crazy Rain/Hail in NoHo - 01.20.10
shadowstorm: Crazy Rain/Hail in NoHo - 01.20.10
shadowstorm: Crazy Rain/Hail in NoHo - 01.20.10
shadowstorm: Focus
shadowstorm: Keith and Johannes: Drugs
shadowstorm: The Grove's Christmas Lights
shadowstorm: The Grove's Christmas Lights
shadowstorm: Bennett's Sign at The Grove
shadowstorm: Sunset, Sailboat, Birds, and the Pacific Ocean
shadowstorm: Sunset, Sailboat, Birds, and the Pacific Ocean
shadowstorm: Sunset, Sailboat, Birds, and the Pacific Ocean
shadowstorm: Sunset, Sailboat, Birds, and the Pacific Ocean