Shadowgolem: New growth in one of the areas burned by the big fire in 1988.
Shadowgolem: Me and Buddy
Shadowgolem: The One That Got Away!
Shadowgolem: Kung Fu Drive-In
Shadowgolem: Bestest Lunch EVAR!
Shadowgolem: Me taking a break in the shade
Shadowgolem: Amaretto Sour
Shadowgolem: Mmm Espresso
Shadowgolem: Yummy Sauce
Shadowgolem: Making "art"
Shadowgolem: Winter Me
Shadowgolem: An Old Friend
Shadowgolem: Wine Appraisal
Shadowgolem: Me, Taken By Joel
Shadowgolem: Moving the Big Rocks
Shadowgolem: Servers In their Natural Environment
Shadowgolem: 11JUL2006
Shadowgolem: Sailing
Shadowgolem: New Island is born!
Shadowgolem: Waiting Again
Shadowgolem: Rock Walk
Shadowgolem: A walk in the woods.
Shadowgolem: Grand Canyon Hiker
Shadowgolem: Jenny and Chris in front of half dome
Shadowgolem: Muir Woods
Shadowgolem: Treehuger
Shadowgolem: Caveman