Shadowgolem: Underground Pool
Shadowgolem: On The Beach
Shadowgolem: Max and Chicken
Shadowgolem: Brothers Blues Reunion
Shadowgolem: The first slice of sun after the eclipse
Shadowgolem: Blood moon emerges from the shadow of the earth
Shadowgolem: Max's first race!
Shadowgolem: Blood Moon 2015
Shadowgolem: Max and Mommy
Shadowgolem: Max's first time in the sandbox this year.
Shadowgolem: Beautiful Spring Sunrise
Shadowgolem: Labradorite and Sterling Silver Pendant
Shadowgolem: Max going for a walk with my folks.
Shadowgolem: Unknown Agate
Shadowgolem: Max-in-Mustang
Shadowgolem: Max on Skuut
Shadowgolem: Spring Nest
Shadowgolem: Happy Max
Shadowgolem: Sweeping the Driveway
Shadowgolem: Max with Choco Mustash
Shadowgolem: A surprise found in the bottom of a bin.
Shadowgolem: Max and his snowman
Shadowgolem: Snow Max
Shadowgolem: Max and his Grandpa
Shadowgolem: Jasper Guitar Picks
Shadowgolem: Mini Broom!
Shadowgolem: Big broken nodule with agate and jasper material. Found near a major re-grading project off the ice age trail in Dane County WI.
Shadowgolem: Happy Max
Shadowgolem: Playing in the leaves
Shadowgolem: Max in the leaf pile