Shadowgolem: Layover in `Sota
Shadowgolem: Not going anywhere for a while?
Shadowgolem: Talk to the shoe
Shadowgolem: Back away from the Coffee!
Shadowgolem: Great Frustration Relief
Shadowgolem: Alien Contact?
Shadowgolem: Glitz and glitter
Shadowgolem: Good Grief!
Shadowgolem: DSC_3919
Shadowgolem: Plastic Castle, Plastic Dreams
Shadowgolem: All day and All night
Shadowgolem: Lots of empty space
Shadowgolem: Quite a job
Shadowgolem: Hands on the torch
Shadowgolem: Beauty in the Casino
Shadowgolem: Outique
Shadowgolem: Red Mood
Shadowgolem: Yea...That about sums it up for me.
Shadowgolem: Green M&M legs and Vegas Strip
Shadowgolem: Back when artists designed adverts
Shadowgolem: Beauty amongst the chaos
Shadowgolem: Right at home here
Shadowgolem: Strange tourist stuff
Shadowgolem: Russet vista
Shadowgolem: The little town by the only stream in the area.
Shadowgolem: Road side attraction
Shadowgolem: A beautiful drive continues.
Shadowgolem: Reflected blue
Shadowgolem: We spoted the same shot