shacker: Amy and Miles, canoeing at Voyageurs
shacker: Boulder on Rainy Lake! Kayaking Voyageurs
shacker: Surveyors Island, Voyageurs National Park
shacker: Water lily and its pads
shacker: Quartz striations on a tiny island in Voyageurs
shacker: In the fullness of time
shacker: The Dam Master’s cabin
shacker: Morning reflections on Rainy Lake
shacker: Lake driftwood tableau
shacker: Day’s End on Rainy Lake
shacker: Millie at the Walker
shacker: Oh Canada
shacker: Voyageurs Sunset
shacker: Beaver skull on Surveyor Island
shacker: Minnesota marshland - Purgatory Park
shacker: A whisper of mist on Rainy Lake, then it was gone
shacker: Voyageurs, early morning
shacker: Linda and Amy at the Keith Haring exhibit
shacker: Actors in a photoshoot at The Walker
shacker: Daybreak with kayak
shacker: Lisa and Steve, into the reeds
shacker: Encountering the Mary Tyler Moore sculpture in downtown Minneapolis and realizing you don’t have a hat to throw in the air
shacker: Haegue Yang’s Interactive dance sculptures at the Walker
shacker: Gold Medal Flour mill, Minneapolis
shacker: Lisa and Darlene
shacker: Boy catching a Walleye at Shady Oak Lake
shacker: Family paddle along the Canadian border, Voyageurs National Park
shacker: Lily pads on Rainy Lake
shacker: Playing pool in the Tiltin' Hilton, Kettle Falls
shacker: Playing pool in the Tiltin' Hilton, Kettle Falls