shacker: Alongside the Traveler, Morro Bay
shacker: Estuary at Point Isabel
shacker: Dirty old barge at the Red Oak Victory docks
shacker: California Fats & Oils
shacker: Under the pier at California Fats & Oils
shacker: Passing sailors approach Brooks Island, near day’s end. Time to head back.
shacker: Butane Skyline
shacker: Reflections dancing under docks near the Red Oak Victory
shacker: Barge ladder
shacker: Whale skeleton on Brooks Island
shacker: Dredge graffitti
shacker: Shorebirds over Brooks Island
shacker: Coming up on the stern of the Red Oak Victory
shacker: 11 10 9 8 7 6 - Dredge Hull near Brooks Island
shacker: Tugboat bumpers
shacker: Common terns, crusty pilings
shacker: Under barnacle-encrusted ancient docks, kayaking Bair Island with BASK
shacker: Anchor on the USS John Glenn, kayaking near Jack London Square
shacker: Emergency ship RELIEF, retired and living near Jack London Square, Oakland. Kayak’s-eye view.
shacker: Tugboat contact point on the naval ship U.S. John Glen
shacker: Under the NWP railroad drawbridge, San Rafael
shacker: Pelicans in flight, Elkhorn Slough
shacker: A family of common terns whiles away the morning at Elkhorn Slough
shacker: Early morning, Voyageurs National Park
shacker: Shipwreck at Half Moon Bay
shacker: Kayaking under the great cranes at Port of Oakland
shacker: Under the docks at Middle Harbor
shacker: Kayaking under the great cranes, Port of Oakland
shacker: Golden Flyer, Half Moon Bay
shacker: Railroad Drawbridge on Corte Madera creek