EssGee Photography™: Condo Alternative 5
EssGee Photography™: Let's All Pretend To Be Vultures
EssGee Photography™: Dinosaur Hatchling
EssGee Photography™: End of Day at Jamaica Bay 2
EssGee Photography™: Throw This Dumpster In The Dumpster
EssGee Photography™: Train Trestle Across Jamaica Bay
EssGee Photography™: Come Full Circle
EssGee Photography™: East Pond Water Gate
EssGee Photography™: Seasonal Changes 15
EssGee Photography™: On Frozen Pond
EssGee Photography™: Throw This Dumpster In The Dumpster 2
EssGee Photography™: The Missing Link Uncovered
EssGee Photography™: Hotel Del Mar
EssGee Photography™: Dinosaur Hatchling 2
EssGee Photography™: Clock Can't Make Up Its Mind
EssGee Photography™: Nonconformist Tree
EssGee Photography™: Cat-Zilla Attacks Riis Park
EssGee Photography™: I Hereby Claim This Land For Little America
EssGee Photography™: Cat-Zilla Attacks Riis Park 2
EssGee Photography™: Metropolis . . . In Nature
EssGee Photography™: This Way To The Beach 37
EssGee Photography™: Undersea Life
EssGee Photography™: Condo Alternative 6
EssGee Photography™: Coming and Going 2
EssGee Photography™: Even Cat-Zilla Must Rest