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albums of Saanich-Gulf Island Greens
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Elizabeth's MARPAC Briefing at CFB Esquimalt on August 31, 2011
Elizabeth May shows up to surprise Saanich Gulf Islands supporter, Marion Davidson on her 90th birthday !
Pride !
Canada Day !!
Sailpast off Pier Island
Beechwood Meet and Greet, at Amica
Saanich Office Re-opening!
Wave at Quadra and McKenzie
Protest at the Courthouse for democratic debates
UVic Burma-Shave and traffic wave
UVic Meet & Greet with Elizabeth May
Early Morning Wave and Response to Debates Debate
Canvassing with Volunteers and Media!
Celebrating All Things Green - A Gardener and Politician Converge
Unethical Oil: Tar Sands
Young Farmers Press Conference - March 16
Earth Hour at Elizabeth May's Campaign Sidney Headquaters
Campaign Launch in Central Saanich 2011
Brentwood Health Expo on March 12
Unethical Oil: Andrew Nikiforuk Event
UVic Climate Activism Training - Februaty, 2011
Galiano in February
Georges Laraque in Saanich Gulf-Islands
Arts and Letters Auction with Georges Laraque (November 2010)
Canvassing (September 2010)
Green Party Pender Island Event October 2010
2010 Salt Spring Island Fall Fair
2010 Salt Spring Island Pride Parade
2010 Saanich Fair
Summer Canvass Blitz
North Saanich Garden Party
Saltspring Island Volunteer Appreciation (July 2010)
Sidney Volunteer Appreciation (July 2010)
Organic Islands Festival
Canada Day Parade
Saltspring Island Broom Pull
Countdown to the G8-G20
South Office Painting
Saltspring Island Potluck
Get out the Migration
Earth Walk 2010
Healthy Living Healthy Planet
St Patricks Day
Santa Claus Parade (2009)
Countdown to Copenhagen
November 14, 2009
Saanich-Gulf Islands Green Volunteers