i like it! what is it?: Barbican Housing Estate
i like it! what is it?: Barbican Housing Estate
Jacek Szust: 20160610-jacekszust.jpg
Sigmund Duchamp: Sunrise on the Seine .
maybemaq: solid ground
fiddleoak: full circle
pni: There's Something Happening Here
west elsa: LV 3 -1
Olivier Th: Joal-Fadiouth
pkomo: 6688
chrisfriel: 230114/232
Pierre Gazé: Sur la corniche (Agadir)
roodixx: Hobo
Pierre Gazé: Tout en haut
chrisfriel: wave 13 #411
Codestra: DSC05898
Maciej Dakowicz: Faces - Sonepur, India
pkomo: 6946
Hengki Koentjoro: Manado Tua Island
an to nin: bisou?
Josef...: m i s t y
Josef...: morning light
URBAN PHOTOS: *Tzizits-Jewish-Strings-2013