Lewser89: _DSC0273
Lewser89: _DSC0266
Lewser89: _DSC0241
Alison Busby Photography: Stretched to the limit
giovannicampus: thunderstorm
O'Fins: Queen Lupa Mane
Mike.Pursey: Finlay
krugerin50: DSCN3704c
NebraskaSC: Nebraska Arcus & Lightning 030
NebraskaSC: Nebraska Arcus & Lightning 029
Pete Walkden: Barn Owl
krugerin50: img736
Matt Granz Photography: The Heart of the Storm
Lewser89: _DSF0731
Lewser89: _DSF0725
Lewser89: _DSF0742
ЈΘŠΞПΔ72: When the sun sets...
Matt Granz Photography: UFO over Mustang, OK
Lewser89: DSC_2751
Lewser89: DSC_2748
stephen.hughes56: Dewars 12 yr old (2)