SewPixie: 22:The Last Thing I Bought #photoadayapril #fabric of course
SewPixie: 21:#Bottle #photoadayapril
SewPixie: 20:Something I Drew #photoadayapril
SewPixie: 19:Orange #photoadayapril
SewPixie: 18:Hair #photoadayapril comes in all shades...
SewPixie: 16:#Flower #photoadayapril (dur I've been using the wrong tag all month!)
SewPixie: 15:Sunset #aprilphotoaday forgot to upload this yesterday
SewPixie: 14:How I Feel Today #aprilphotoaday
SewPixie: 13:Something I Found #aprilphotoaday I am designated finder at it was the remote...under bf's lunchbag of course!
SewPixie: 12:Stairs #aprilphotoaday oh no he's sleepwalking down the stairs! #lego
SewPixie: 11:Where I Ate Breakfast #aprilphotoaday no photo of said breakfast (bacon n eggs)
SewPixie: 10:Cold #aprilphotoaday appreciating the new A/C since it will be needed soon
SewPixie: 09:Younger Me #aprilphotoaday circa 1994
SewPixie: 08:In My Wallet #aprilphotoaday
SewPixie: 07:Shadow #aprilphotoaday
SewPixie: 05:Tiny Catan compared to big Catan #aprilphotoaday
SewPixie: 06:Lunch #aprilphotoaday a bit late for lunch
SewPixie: 03:Mail #aprilphotoaday lunchtime errand
SewPixie: 02:Color #aprilphotoaday
SewPixie: 01:My Reflection #aprilphotoaday
SewPixie: 26:Black + White #photoadayapril
SewPixie: 27:Somewhere I Went Today #photoadayapril to Starbucks and back to the office