SewPixie: 06:You #photoadaymay
SewPixie: 05:Bird #photoadaymay
SewPixie: 28:Weather Today #photoadaymay sunny and warm
SewPixie: 27:Something Sweet #photoadaymay #cookie
SewPixie: 01:Peace #photoadaymay ...peaceful calm before the storm...yet another round of reorgs and management changes
SewPixie: 02:Skyline #photoadaymay my huge front yard tree on the right.
SewPixie: 03:Something I Wore #photoadaymay
SewPixie: 04:Fun #photoadaymay games!!!
SewPixie: 07:Someone who inspires me #photoadaymay mommy...always inspired to be someone she'd be proud of
SewPixie: 08:A Smell You Adore #photoadaymay fresh cut grass
SewPixie: 09:Something I Do Every Day #photoadaymay check email...oh I need to get to Inbox Zero
SewPixie: 10:A Favorite Word #photoadaymay
SewPixie: 11:Kitchen #photoadaymay tiny
SewPixie: 15:Love #photoadaymay fell behind for a few days!
SewPixie: 14:Grass #photoadaymay playing catch up
SewPixie: 12:Something that makes you Happy #photoadaymay when I get to sew
SewPixie: 13:Mom #photoadaymay catching up...Pepsi for mom always...and my I assume unintentional giving the bird.
SewPixie: 15:What You are Reading #photoadaymay plus Restaurant and the End of the Universe on the Nook
SewPixie: 18:Something Made #photoadaymay knitted Blythe cardigans that still need the ends woven in.
SewPixie: 17:Snack #photoadaymay I didn't snack yesterday as I had plans for a dinner out...instead I present cheesecake
SewPixie: 19:A Favorite Place #photoadaymay despite the sewing room is one of my favorite places
SewPixie: 20:Something I Can't Live Without #photoadaymay paper to draw on
SewPixie: 21:Where I Stand #photoadaymay in the bathroom (in dire need of cleaning) brushing my teeth
SewPixie: 22:Pink #photoadaymay
SewPixie: 23:Technology #photoadaymay
SewPixie: 25:Unusual #photoadaymay ...for my work laptop to take so long to reboot
SewPixie: 26:12 o'clock #photoadaymay
SewPixie: 29:A Number #photoadaymay how many bag I sewed today