SewPixie: Ahhh back home
SewPixie: Where's the airplane?
SewPixie: When do we board?
SewPixie: Gracie trying to learn about Exchange 2007
SewPixie: Okay let's see what you learned today...
SewPixie: I'll just play this while mom is at her conference
SewPixie: IMG_2384.JPG
SewPixie: Hey, where is my toothbrush?
SewPixie: Let's wash up
SewPixie: Aww the pool is closed.
SewPixie: Stretch....Good Morning!
SewPixie: Time for sleep
SewPixie: Gracie snoozing
SewPixie: Let me check Flickr real quick, k!
SewPixie: IMG_2372.JPG
SewPixie: Yay Law & Order is on!
SewPixie: No, no bedtime just yet
SewPixie: Can we watch TV?
SewPixie: Where is the remote?
SewPixie: Ahh time to relax at the hotel
SewPixie: Hotel room kitchenette
SewPixie: Hotel room view from the door
SewPixie: Gracie's new pull ring charm
SewPixie: Gracie arrives at the hotel