Seamingly Simple: Pussyfooting with my cat
Seamingly Simple: Christmas basket
Seamingly Simple: Kitten tales
Seamingly Simple: Kitten adopted!
Seamingly Simple: Cat toy pleasure
Seamingly Simple: Barn cats: Garnet, Obsidian and Klaus
Seamingly Simple: Stevie and Klaus
Seamingly Simple: Stevie dressed up as a Christmas tree
Seamingly Simple: Obsidian, "Sid" for short
Seamingly Simple: Napping with a buddy
Seamingly Simple: Former tomcat Klaus
Seamingly Simple: What is “orchidectomy”?
Seamingly Simple: Garnet, adding his purr-sonal touch
Seamingly Simple: Cat toy destroyed
Seamingly Simple: Thanksgiving bounty: onions and kittens
Seamingly Simple: With the microwave as my throne, I shall rule!
Seamingly Simple: Kittens escaping the wind
Seamingly Simple: With Jasper and Obsidian
Seamingly Simple: Black Betty
Seamingly Simple: Three amigos
Seamingly Simple: Kitten porthole
Seamingly Simple: Kitchen supervisor
Seamingly Simple: Stevie gets a scratching
Seamingly Simple: Mini tiger
Seamingly Simple: The hunter rests
Seamingly Simple: Naptime for Stevie
Seamingly Simple: Bartender, can I get another tuna & soda?
Seamingly Simple: Feliz Navicat