Seamingly Simple:
Up off the cold ground
Seamingly Simple:
Close-up of the quilting on Sisters Choice
Seamingly Simple:
Sisters Choice quilt
Seamingly Simple:
Sisters Choice quilt
Seamingly Simple:
Cat toy pleasure
Seamingly Simple:
New Year’s Eve by the fire
Seamingly Simple:
Zippered envelope for travel documents
Seamingly Simple:
Barn cats: Garnet, Obsidian and Klaus
Seamingly Simple:
Stevie and Klaus
Seamingly Simple:
Stevie dressed up as a Christmas tree
Seamingly Simple:
Ponderosa pine in winter
Seamingly Simple:
Frosty pine
Seamingly Simple:
Frosty pine
Seamingly Simple:
Frosty morning
Seamingly Simple:
Surprise! While we were in San Antonio, we dipped into a dance studio to record our Christmas greetings.
Seamingly Simple:
Firewood carrier: "BUCK 'EM UP"
Seamingly Simple:
Horse team on an important Christmas mission
Seamingly Simple:
Rustic Christmas wreath
Seamingly Simple:
No takers while we were manning the Kissing Booth in Lukenbach, Texas
Seamingly Simple:
Johnson’s cattle (Herefords) branded on the horns
Seamingly Simple:
Excursion to Lyndon B. Johnson Ranch, Stonewall, TX
Seamingly Simple:
Texas barbecue at Pinkerton’s
Seamingly Simple:
American eagle and American flag
Seamingly Simple:
Solitude in the Japanese Tea Garden
Seamingly Simple:
At San Antonio’s Japanese Tea Garden
Seamingly Simple:
Horse-drawn Cinderella-style carriage
Seamingly Simple:
The Alamo at night
Seamingly Simple:
Us at Casa Río, the first-ever restaurant on San Antonio’s Riverwalk
Seamingly Simple:
San Antonio River
Seamingly Simple:
San Antonio Riverwalk