sewbusy64: Table runner backing. Love red and white.
sewbusy64: Birthday table runner for country kitchen. #halfsquaretriangles
sewbusy64: Spring table runner I made from remnants. #sewing. #sewmystash2016
sewbusy64: Recent machine embroidery. Left: rabbit hand towel Right: used Cross motif each end of table runner. Used blanks I had stashed for years. @designsbyjuju #sewmystash2016
sewbusy64: Pier One table runner....cute technique for ribbon.
sewbusy64: Bunny table runner @ Pier One with raw applique edges.
sewbusy64: Birthday table runner for country kitchen. #halfsquaretriangles
sewbusy64: Table runner backing. Love red and white.
sewbusy64: Table runner for sister -in-laws birthday. #halfsquaretriangles
sewbusy64: Sadie loves my first FMQ project! #freemotionquilting
sewbusy64: Economy plus one block received. #economyblock #fussysquareblockswap #fussysquareswap
sewbusy64: Economy blocks received. Theme : manly #economyblock #fussysquareblockswap #fussysquareswap
sewbusy64: Economy blocks received. Theme : manly #economyblock #fussysquareblockswap #fussysquareswap
sewbusy64: July fussy square blocks. Plus One block. #fussysquareblockswap #fussysquareswap #economyblock
sewbusy64: July fussy square blocks. Theme: manly Hope they're "manly enough ". #fussysquareblockswap #fussysquareswap #economyblock #sewmystash2015
sewbusy64: Other 1/2 of cat & dog theme economy blocks #fussysquareblockswap #fussysquareswap
sewbusy64: 1/2 of dog & cat theme economy blocks #fussysquareblockswap #fussysquareswap
sewbusy64: Plus one block #fussysquareblockswap #fussysquareswap
sewbusy64: Elizabeth Tart Astrae
sewbusy64: Elizabeth Sky Chain
sewbusy64: #fussysquareblockswap Dog / cat theme
sewbusy64: #fussysquareblockswap Dog/cat theme
sewbusy64: Plus 1 block #fussysquareblockswap
sewbusy64: My Sadie girl! #bestdogever
sewbusy64: #fussysquareblockswap #economyblock Plus one block
sewbusy64: Sewing theme blocks received #fussysquareblockswap #economyblock
sewbusy64: Sewing theme blocks received #fussysquareblockswap #economyblock
sewbusy64: Sewing themed economy blocks received. #fussysquareblockswap. #fussysquareswap. #economyblock
sewbusy64: Sneek peek #birthdaybandyswap #birthdaybandy
sewbusy64: #fussysquareblockswap #economyblock Plus 1 block