jsnell: Another beautiful football Saturday in Berkeley.
Neven Mrgan: Pork in blackberry mole
Neven Mrgan: Chili pan mee
Neven Mrgan: Chorizo tacos
Kyle Ethan Wall: Han shot FIRST
ChrisLTD: 2_front
Neven Mrgan: Hongos en pasilla
Neven Mrgan: Khao man gai burger
caseorganic: Lost Wormhole
lonelysandwich: Dicknose
catherinedevries: Snow Desert
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Most Amazing High Definition Image of Earth - Blue Marble 2012
tofias: Random Art Deco Building
littlesparrowknits: Spinning merino.
brettlevy: IMG_0058
catherinedevries: Flying High
gromitgirl: Steve Jobs Rainbow over Pixar
merlinmann: Problem? What problem?
catherinedevries: Stairway Light
SeoulBrother: Old Fashioned
Francesca Buchko: backtowork_final
catherinedevries: Divine Light
monkyhead: Gruber jumps the shark