edk7: Dulwich Picture Gallery, Sir John Soane, 1817 - Dulwich, London SE21..
Magdeburg: National Gallery - London
Team Pedal Pushers: The calm before the storm
Fezzan Pics: Hairdressing
Fezzan Pics: Bubalus Anticus
Tex.Sherman: Tomb Stone in Nigeria
The Library of Congress: [Unidentified soldier in Union zouave uniform with bayoneted musket] (LOC)
anthony pappone photography: Festival des Masques de Dédougou, Burkina Faso
Hugo!: Dogon granaries
X Ceccaldi: House of the Hogon, Sangha, Dogon Country, Mali
Erwin Bolwidt: Toguna near Bankass, Dogon area, Mali
Alexbip: Toguna dans le quartier animiste de Dourou
alwithacamera: Bandiagara Escarpment
christine.petitjean: Little Big Horn (1999) Indien dépouillant un soldat mort
shaunamullally: Wassu Stone Cirles
Martha de Jong-Lantink: Mali, West-Afrika, jan./febr. 2008
Seth Gaines: Downtown Pocahontas, VA
Seth Gaines: Vacant Pocahontas, VA
Seth Gaines: Cafe Pocahontas, VA
Beth M527: Debre Berham Selassie Church, Gondar
A.Davey: Ceiling Angels, Church of Debra Berhan Selassie
Paul Ealing 2011: Church at Debre Maryam, southern Lake Tana. April 2012. DSC00593c
PJ Fanning: PB060189
eriotropus: Muro de Piedra