Ryan_Dobson: Eastern Bluebird
Andreas Wobig: Gemeiner Samtfußrübling (Flammulina velutipes)
R. Engelsman: Artomyces pyxidatus (frozen)
uwe.falk: Parasolpilze (Macrolepiota procera)
Ryan_Dobson: Wolf Spider
Ryan_Dobson: Tree soap bubbles
R. Engelsman: Tremella mesenterica
dave dube': Single cap
Marie Brown Cottage Garden: Blue Heron and White Egret on a Foggy Morning
gilgit2: Himalayan White-browed Rosefinch (Carpodacus thura)
John Maillard: The Palliser Coast, New Zealand
Ryan_Dobson: Tulips
Andrelo2014: Silbergrüner Bläuling (Lysandra coridon)
Andrelo2014: Gewöhnliche Eichelbohrer (Curculio glandium)
uwe.falk: Dehnbare Helmlinge (Mycena epipterygia)
Andrelo2014: Sri Lankan Kangaroo Lizard (Otocryptis wiegmanni)
Wildonline.blog: Grey Squirrel
Wildonline.blog: Long-tailed tit
Andrelo2014: Arcyria denudata - scale 5:1
devadipmen: Alice in Wonderland
devadipmen: chirping...
R. Engelsman: Coprinellus micaceus
dave dube': Hugs ~ Banner image
scottfillmer: Red Top Rising
Andrelo2014: River Gin Ganga - Sinharaja Forest Reserve
uwe.falk: Krauser Aderzähling (Plicaturopsis crispa)
Francesc F P: Picot negre eurasiàtic_Picot negre_Formiguer
Ryan_Dobson: Mushroom
R. Engelsman: Plicaturopsis crispa
Francesc F P: Núvol