gipomontesanto: Fierezza... Proudness... [Vicopisano, December 2013...]
Alvatar: Torricella - Lago Trasimeno
Alvatar: Acqua
Agi90: 11 Fahrenheit
Fotografie di Gianluca Testa: Casina Vanvitelliana
MicheleGiusti: Milady of Gulf
alekampo: Calanchetti
RalfMalf: Christmas is coming... All photos, above, have been shot with the Samsung Galaxy NX, which has been provided by Samsung Electronics C. Ltd.
gipomontesanto: Little big street artist... [Pisa, December 2013...]
gipomontesanto: Keith Haring's Tuttomondo... [Pisa, December 2013...]
Giuseppe Sortino: L'inferno da nord est
Chiara Lo Sciuto: Battangilina
robbar74: Rio Gardena
RalfMalf: Overlapping
gipomontesanto: What time is it...? [Catania, October 2013...]
robbar74: Autumn is coming...
gipomontesanto: There are women and there are dolls... [Catania, October 2013...]
RalfMalf: Father of the year
MarcoSartoriPhoto: Deadly finger pointing to the sky.
RalfMalf: In a World of shadows
Agi90: Ninja
Agi90: Rainy
AnthonyInTheSky: "Correndo per"
[Mushin]: Free hugs
RalfMalf: Soft
MarcoSartoriPhoto: Silent Witness.
DarioPerry: Serracozzo
robbar74: Lo specchio dell'anima
robbar74: Radici