seo.atlanta: Stacy in Her Office
seo.atlanta: International Association of Business Communicators (Atlanta chapter, Technology SIG
seo.atlanta: International Association of Business Communicators
seo.atlanta: Stacy presenting on Search Marketing
seo.atlanta: Top 300 Small Business of the South
seo.atlanta: PPI Group lunch at Sufi's Persian Restaurant!
seo.atlanta: PPI as AMY Award Finalist 2011
seo.atlanta: Group lunch at Sufi's Persian Restaurant!
seo.atlanta: PPI at AMY Awards 2011
seo.atlanta: The 2011 AMY Awards (Atlanta Marketer of the Year)
seo.atlanta: The 2011 AMY Awards
seo.atlanta: PPI Lunch at R. Thomas
seo.atlanta: Catherine, Mackenzie & Stacy at AiMA's "The Future is Search" event
seo.atlanta: Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Best Places to Work Award
seo.atlanta: World's Best Boss Mug
seo.atlanta: The Audience at the SEMPO Oct. 2011 Event
seo.atlanta: PPI's Best Places to Work Plaque
seo.atlanta: SEMPO Atlanta Web Analytics Event Oct. 2011
seo.atlanta: PPI Folks at the SEMPO Oct. 2011 Event
seo.atlanta: The Panel at the SEMPO Oct. 2011 Event
seo.atlanta: The gang post-zipping
seo.atlanta: Charles comes in for a landing
seo.atlanta: Charles upside down
seo.atlanta: Stacy after her last zip
seo.atlanta: Stacy after her last zip
seo.atlanta: Stacy zipping
seo.atlanta: Stacy upside down
seo.atlanta: Ray upside down
seo.atlanta: Tricia lands