Trevor Dobson: Milky Way at Mogumber, Western Australia
Traveler 旅人: // 十年太長,什麼都有可能會變。一輩子太短,一件事也有可能做不完。回憶永遠站在背後,你無法拋棄,只能擁抱。 -《擺渡人》 - #台中 #藍色公路
Traveler 旅人: // 這個城市好小,小到偶然就能相遇; 這個城市好大,大到隨時都會走散。
dominikfoto: Mind on Fire
dominikfoto: Addie | A beautiful flower needs sunshine
dominikfoto: Addie | Under the Moon
dominikfoto: Sadat X
dominikfoto: Doggy-bag or baggy-dog
dominikfoto: Autoportrait / Selfie | Lost Dark Angel
dominikfoto: The Best young reader in France
dominikfoto: Old man and the cat
dominikfoto: Beach dream
dominikfoto: Imbalance
dominikfoto: X'tase
David Shield Photography: Throne of Dreams
jeremyjonkman: Night of the Gods
Elena Papakosta: summer morning
ducatidave60: Abandoned house 18.3
Foto-Runner: _DSC4687-HDR-Modifier
duartesol: T I R E L E S S - Part II
reiko_robinami: Standing still
Andrew J Lee: Snæfellsjökull, Iceland
Leila Forés: Hear My Voice
skypointer2000: Heardsman's View
Joseph ..: Acer Golden Hour Glow
Ryan Dyar: Seize the Day