TaraStaunton: Karl Marx between the graves
.grux.: Washago, station stop
Luc L. Legrand (thanks for 7.5 M views): Bobtail Squid, Euprimna Tasmanica
Joey Harrison: Winfield Township, Michigan
Joey Harrison: Kokomo, Indiana
Andrew Snyder Photography: Camo Ecnomiohyla
Dr. Alexey Yakovlev: Megapomponia imperatoria = Pomponia imperatoria (Cicadidae: Cicadinae: Dundubiini)
M.J.H.: Steve Norton
monte stinnett: The bug hunter
Uncle Shoe: OHM_9691
Uncle Shoe: Winslowset_9677
brendon.hartley: corset 2
brendon.hartley: corset 3
brendon.hartley: woodlands 2
brendon.hartley: Ms. Gravel
brendon.hartley: Cass 2 Trans
brendon.hartley: 20x24 Polaroid camera
…Angel: through them windows
…Angel: erased