vadim.zhuravskiy: Mil Mi-26
Gerasimov.77: Thunderstorm
RBI & RIN: MiG-29
Igorstarkoff: IMG_3580
Victor Gnedovets: Матроскин из Тарусы
KirillMitin: DSC08800
andrbk: Camaro RS (3rd gen)
Head_ West: the word got out
andrey-ivanoff: Nicholas 1. River Moika. St. Petersburg. Russia.
andrey-ivanoff: The house of the company "Singer" and the Church of the Savior on the Blood. St. Petersburg. Russia.
Victor Gnedovets: Перезимовал
Abs0lute2010: Танк Т34 в Сквере славы / Tank T34 in the Square of glory