Seldon,: Some kind of Sunset
Seldon,: Come and be Happy!
Seldon,: The importance of paddling in non-paddling weather.
Seldon,: Vynili Recops
Seldon,: Typical Scene from a Morning Run
Seldon,: Sunset
Seldon,: Bounteous Glory
Seldon,: Shrimping in Yellow
Seldon,: Thornthwaite to Frostwick
Seldon,: From Mardale to Yoke
Seldon,: Kentmere
Seldon,: A Very Symetrical, Minimal Memorial
Seldon,: Something New
Seldon,: Something Old
Seldon,: High Tension
Seldon,: It's been a while
Seldon,: Bump and Stain
Seldon,: One of the Rovin' Kind.
Seldon,: Locked Down.
Seldon,: Battle Rope
Seldon,: The invisible hand...
Seldon,: Rekilter
Seldon,: Rove Tackle
Seldon,: LSOTY?
Seldon,: Searching for sabi to complement all the wabi.
Seldon,: Street mirrors and photobombing
Seldon,: Minimal Friday
Seldon,: Stillness
Seldon,: 4 boats 1 buoy