taelonsela_02: Ein leicht schiefer Kamin
taelonsela_02: Behind the walls
taelonsela_02: Burg Hardenstein / Castle Hardenstein
taelonsela_02: Big tower
taelonsela_02: On the wall
taelonsela_02: At the entrance
taelonsela_02: Standing in a room
taelonsela_02: Stairs to the cellar
taelonsela_02: Burg Hardenstein
taelonsela_02: Thinking
taelonsela_02: Stone head
taelonsela_02: Stone head 2
taelonsela_02: Not so small
taelonsela_02: I'm sure there was a path
taelonsela_02: Grünfinken
taelonsela_02: Do you see the bird?