Fred McKee: Fortunately, her coat is wash & wear.
shelshots: Peahen
Cascade Motif: Purple Juxtaposition
Spice ♥ 浦辻リン: Blue against Pink
Eiderdrake.: I Wondered.....
kevin mcneal: Colorado Fall Colors Mixed With Snow
Michael Angelo 77: Nutty Evolution
njchow82: V- Formation
jarbas mattos: Série com topetinho-vermelho (Lophornis magnificus)
Voyeure: An elephant made man
Jon Matthies: Thunder
Le poidesans: Martin-pêcheur d'Europe Alcedo atthis - Common Kingfisher
**Jamar**: Magnolia
**Jamar**: Fruit in Still Life for Julie
Paul Hueber: Cyrano Darner in flight (Nasiaeschna pentacantha)
Naturalist & Photographer Steve DaCosta: Sunset Double Rainbow over Lowell Observatory
bgfotologue: Dramatic Crepuscular Rays :: Kennedy Town (堅尼地城)
Bram Reinders(I'M BACK): Splash Serie #2
Angella's Photography: Hummingbirds
PhotoAdvClub: WoodsCanyon_2011_001
Mux35: I´ll be back!!
Chris. W: RAF Red Arrows
Bryan Garnett Photography: Forget-Me-Nots & Friend
Marvin Foran Photography: Panacea Coast Line
Colorado Scenics: Lovely Summertime...