Le Photiste: Chevrolet Corvette C1 Convertible 1958 (9403)
splattergraphics: 1965 Ford Falcon Futura
splattergraphics: 1969 Oldsmobile Cutlass S W-31 Convertible
splattergraphics: 1969 Oldsmobile Cutlass S W-31 Convertible
greenschist: LB Cantina
greenschist: Old Pueblo Restaurant
splattergraphics: 1963 Ford Falcon
splattergraphics: 1965 Ford Falcon
Cindy Embleton: Lewis Lodge - Look for the guy in blue
Cindy Embleton: My favorite kind of night class!
eoscatchlight: Louvered Orange Bel Air Hood and Chrome Goodies
eoscatchlight: Nomad Jewely II
eoscatchlight: Nomad Jewelry I
Harold Brown: 1969 Cougar
Harold Brown: 1963 Plymouth Fury
troupial: Javelinas (Tayassu tajaca), puttering around in the neighborhood this evening.
troupial: The Senita Cactus (Pachycereus shlotti) engages in mutualism with the nocturnal Senita Moth.
Cindy Embleton: Having fun with Light
Cindy Embleton: Just star gazing
Cindy Embleton: Night class
Chris Scarlett Photography ©: Fowlerville Car Show 9/24/2020
Robert Streithorst: Vision Qwest
roentarre: Astro landscape of Lake Charm by Sony A7RIV + FE 16-35mm f2.8 GM
BongoInc: Superstition Mountains