kadams54: Loyalty
kadams54: IMG_5066
kadams54: Stained Glass #9
kadams54: Stained Glass #10
nancyblujean: Color Tour October 10, 2006
nancyblujean: Baby Meggie four weeks old
nancyblujean: Doris with Duke and Meggie
nancyblujean: Me and Meg
nancyblujean: Color Tour October 10, 2006
nancyblujean: Painting Nails
curlyson: What.... it's sunday nap time
curlyson: Snow and ice
curlyson: Candie_Meggieinthesnow_05
curlyson: Snow beard ?
curlyson: Hurry with my snack Please!!!
curlyson: magic leaves
curlyson: a long haired cow
curlyson: The lake
curlyson: The race is on
curlyson: Reflections at the end of day
curlyson: After the Fog
curlyson: The sunrise sort of
curlyson: Is that a bear ?
curlyson: Fairbanks Alaska
curlyson: Swans in the mist
curlyson: I could use some coffee
curlyson: Bug catcher
curlyson: Sunrise in a Ditch
curlyson: Shrooms
curlyson: Frosty