emilyg: George
emilyg: Handsome pretty handsome.
emilyg: I'm ready for my close-up.
emilyg: I ignore the big monkey with the flashing box in her hands, and gaze off into the middle distance.
emilyg: "Baby"
emilyg: Ada
emilyg: Cat meets cowl
emilyg: Three-headed cat...
emilyg: Big Green Eyes in Little Penguin Cat
emilyg: Ada looks on
emilyg: Not really sleeping
emilyg: Happy Halloween...
emilyg: ...from the Pushk'o'Lantern!
emilyg: Pushkin in ICU
emilyg: Pushkin's third afternoon in the ICU
emilyg: Mmmmm, chopped chicken
emilyg: Hopefully, the last night in the hospital
emilyg: My hand for a pillow
emilyg: Home at last!
emilyg: George
emilyg: Squinty
emilyg: Cats coordinate well with new bedroom paint color
emilyg: Look
emilyg: George & Sensibility
emilyg: whole lotta cat
emilyg: george is 15
emilyg: GeorgePortrait
emilyg: Ada is now top cat.
emilyg: Camera experiment featuring Ada
emilyg: image