emilyg: Reasons to love New York: Someone left the lion a little rock to play with. #nyc
emilyg: Photo
emilyg: #impeachtrump #rally #nyc #american #flag
emilyg: Passing Madison Square Park. #nypd has been chill and workmanlike as far as I’ve seen. #impeachtrump #rally #nyc
emilyg: #nyc #impeachtrump #rally “THIS CONSTITUTION AIN’T GONNA PROTECT ITSELF”
emilyg: Protesters here, mostly, are over the witty slogan signs of the 2017 Women’s March. #impeachtrump #rally #nyc
emilyg: #impeach trump rally #nyc
emilyg: #NYC #entrepreneur spirit is alive and well at #impeachtrump #rally.
emilyg: Crowd seems big, Times Square packed from 47 th St southward. #impeachment #rally
emilyg: Chant : “Trump Pence out now!” #impeachtrump #rally #nyc
emilyg: Pro-#impeachment rally in #nyc Times Square
emilyg: Had a nice scritch last night with Hajaz the #bodegacat. +10 for perfect monochrome fashion sense, forbearance with adoring customers. #catsofinstagram #catsoftwitter #nyc
emilyg: Day off making #2: apple crumb pie.
emilyg: Day off making #1: @bichesetbuches cowl in progress.
emilyg: #WomenDoNews edit-a-thon: 29 new #Wikipedia articles about women journalists in progress! @takeleadwomen @bealuminary
emilyg: Did a marching band fly out of LaGuardia today? #nyc #2019
emilyg: This time, yellow. (Back for a test.)
emilyg: Stopped in to my beloved LYS @argyleyarnshop today for #nycyarncrawl. It was lovely to meet master dyer Karida Collins aka @neighborhoodfiberco herself, whose expert eye matched this beautiful russet sock yarn to my @republicofwool skein. Destination: #zw
emilyg: @camanpour outside the @unitednations prparing to cover the #unclimateactionsummit. I’m here today too, for @sierramagazine.
emilyg: “Due to the ongoing climate strike...consider alternate routes.” #nyc
emilyg: Mood adjustment on a plate.
emilyg: #bodegacat #nyc
emilyg: It’s possible that I have too much yarn.
emilyg: It’s a wonderful day: The solar panels are going up at last! #climate #solution #solar #energy
emilyg: Dad!
emilyg: #occupycomfychair #catsofinstagram #catsoftwitter
emilyg: Trained today at @wildbirdfund . Most of the patients are pigeons. There were also goslings, chickens, songbirds, an oystercatcher chick(I think), and a loon. This is one of two resident grackles.
emilyg: “As journalists we want to stay in the middle? But what if there is no middle?” Thrilled to be here listening to Maria Ressler of Philippine outlet Rappler.com @rappler #pressfreedom
emilyg: @patrickdijusto in his birthday present: a Three-color Cowl I knit with @quinceandco and @hedgehogfibres yarns, all found at @argyleyarnshop (that’s the shop in the background). He picked great colors!
emilyg: Our Seder table is always a tad untraditional. #chagsameach