Hope For Paws Animal Rescue: Julia finally wagged her tail :-)
Hope For Paws Animal Rescue: Late night visit.
Hope For Paws Animal Rescue: Waiting for lab results.
schimi42: Veränderung
schimi42: Morgentau
PhotoworksKorbach: Sonnenblumenfeld1-p-lohof
Hope For Paws Animal Rescue: YAY!! We're out of here!!!
schimi42: Tagpfauenauge
rodrigocarabajal: Skogafoss self
Hope For Paws Animal Rescue: A good night sleep.
Hope For Paws Animal Rescue: Let's get out of here!
Hope For Paws Animal Rescue: Time for me to make friends with Adrienne.
Hope For Paws Animal Rescue: Good morning :-)
Hope For Paws Animal Rescue: Raven with her foster mom Sofia.
schimi42: Strandkorb
Hope For Paws Animal Rescue: Penelope checks on Leah.
Hope For Paws Animal Rescue: Ozzy - photo update.
irissmann: 20150416113704
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irissmann: 20150416113700
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