Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 132 of "The parlor gardener: a treatise on the house culture of ornamental plants. Translated from the French, and adapted to American use" (1884)
Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 606 of "The Coleoptera of the British islands. A descriptive account of the families, genera, and species indigenous to Great Britain and Ireland, with notes as to localities, habitats, etc" (1891)
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 27 of "Spring (Summer-Autumn-Winter) songs and sketches"
Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 135 of "The year's at the spring; an anthology of recent poetry" (1920)
State Library and Archives of Florida:
Delmar the live dancing hen at Tommy Bartlett's International Deer Ranch
The Library of Congress:
[Wellington Stanley Morse house, 450 South San Rafael Avenue, San Rafael Heights, Pasadena, California. (LOC)
The Library of Congress:
Peasant girls. [Russian Empire] (LOC)
U.S. National Archives:
Laura Petty, a 6 year old berry picker on Jenkins Farm. "I'm just beginnin'. Licked two boxes yesterday," June 1909
National Library of Ireland on The Commons:
Window on the world
George Eastman Museum:
Ethel Dietz Nichols sitting on rock in garden
Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 259 of "St. Nicholas [serial]" (1873)
Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 85 of "The Muse" (1922)
Jan Joonas Parve:
Jan Joonas Parve:
Jan Joonas Parve:
Jan Joonas Parve:
Jan Joonas Parve: