lena_ha: Autumn.
Ko Min, Chuang: Arch Of The Milky Way@ Uluru(Ayers Rock)
morris 811: bar de beto beach bar art, isabela island galapagos
philipleemiller: The Rapture
philipleemiller: Stillness
Tsaileo53223: DSC07831_CFCoR21f56
Julia-Anna Gospodarou: ode to black (Black Hope) III - extreme black
Julia-Anna Gospodarou: Κάθαρσις | Catharsis IV – Spellbound
Julia-Anna Gospodarou: Κάθαρσις | Catharsis V – New Beginnings
Julia-Anna Gospodarou: Ode to Black (Black Hope) IV - Shadow Black
Julia-Anna Gospodarou: Ode to Black - Black Hope II – Anima Black
Julia-Anna Gospodarou: Ode to Black | Black Hope V – Persona Black
Julia-Anna Gospodarou: Fluid Time I
Julia-Anna Gospodarou: POINT FINAL – NYC as you'll never see it again
Julia-Anna Gospodarou: Fluid Time II – an (en)Visionographic Chicago Story
Julia-Anna Gospodarou: EXUBERANCE I - Rio-Antirrio Bridge – Partas, Greece
c. Melon Images: Winter bit Me
Antonio Iacobelli (Jacobson-2012): color car crash test! (o... lo scontrino)
Sorin Mutu: Do the Dew
Seb97470: Black & white beach paradise.
andreas.klodt: The Wave
biglacos: mood of the day
Lior. L: riding to the sunset...
captured by bond: conflicting moment_8008901
lapinfou1: IMG_1452