Deby Dixon: The Wave
Deby Dixon: White Lady in Snow
Deby Dixon: White Lady Howling for her Pack
Deby Dixon: White Lady Howling in Snow
Deby Dixon: White Lady in the Forest
Deby Dixon: White Lady
Deby Dixon: Twin Howling for his Brother
Deby Dixon: Twin, howling
Deby Dixon: Spitfire
Deby Dixon: Spitfire Howling for her Pack
Deby Dixon: Spitfire and the bull elk
Deby Dixon: Snow2
Deby Dixon: Snow3
Deby Dixon: Snow in Fall
Deby Dixon: Snow, close up
Deby Dixon: Raspberry
Deby Dixon: Raspberry with snow on her nose
Deby Dixon: Raspberry2
Deby Dixon: Raspberry3
Deby Dixon: Raspberry4
Deby Dixon: Raspberry and Snow
Deby Dixon: Raspberry and Snow2
Deby Dixon: Raspberry and Snow4
Deby Dixon: Raspberry and Snow3
Deby Dixon: Double Ram Power
Deby Dixon: Pronghorn with a View
Deby Dixon: Mottled being Chased by Enemy Wolf
Deby Dixon: Pups from the Mollies pack